Trigger Point Massage
At Renewal Massage & Wellness, every massage is customized to your needs. If you are looking for a massage that incorporates deep tissue massage techniques, I am an experienced practitioner.
The body is a matrix of intertwined muscles, joints and tendons. Trigger point therapy taps into the body’s internal web of muscles and tissues to unlock common chronic and injury-related pains caused by tension and stress.
Doing continuous movement can irritate tissue, which over time can lead to the development of trigger points. Ultimately, when tissues remain in a contracted state for long periods of time they can harden and create little nodules that massage therapists can pulsate and feel for during a trigger point massage.
Trigger point therapy helps reduce pain, relieve tension and promote a better range of motion. It’s a great tool for many to unlock an area, but it’s also great to increase circulation and help muscles regain full function.
Many people have the misconception that clients who get trigger point massage need to endure high levels of pain and be sore for days following the massage in order for it to be beneficial. In reality, though, the purpose of trigger point therapy is not to provide more pain, but to rather help reduce pain and heal injuries.
For the most effective and enjoyable trigger point massage therapy session, some massage therapists like to mix in Swedish and deep tissue massage techniques, so clients can enjoy the relaxation of the massage experience coupled with some of the rehabilitative benefits that trigger point can provide.
So, what are you waiting for? Take a few minutes for yourself and book your Renewal Massage & Wellness trigger point therapy today.
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2021 S Waverly Ave Ste 500
Springfield, MO 65804
(417) 848-2494